Life lessons from the Champ
Kenny and The Champ 1998
Through the miracle of modern technology we were privileged to share with the rest of the world the memorial service of one of the greatest humanitarians that ever lived, Muhammad Ali.
When I met my husband Kenny his love and adoration for his hero Ali ,was infectious. Over the years every news clip, past fight, act of kindness, charity event, anything about this man was in our awareness. One of the highlights of our lives was we were blessed to meet him at a charity event. Everyone who knows Kenny knows of his love and connection to his larger than life hero. As we watched the service and witnessed people from every walk of life sharing Ali stories and how their lives were touched and changed by this great man, I too learned so much more about him.
Although Ali initially became famous in his younger years as one of the greatest athletes of all time, the thing that everyone remarked about was his contribution to the world as a humanitarian and a peacemaker. Story after story embodied the things most people didn’t know about, his acts of kindness that came from his true love of people and his desire to give back. He risked his career standing up for his beliefs. So few would have done that.
Over the last few days I have been thrilled and energized to have witnessed his memorial celebration service. He is a reminder to all that if you follow your heart and live your truth, everything is possible. In life and in death he was and will always be one of the greatest teachers of all time.
Champ, you are one of the worlds great treasures, we thank you, we love you, and I am honored that I am alive in your time.