Mary Ellis talking about how she creates a new painting at the Art Expo NY April 15, 2016.
I am an abstract expressionist painter. I work intuitively with no conscious plan or intent in portraying recognizable imagery.
My mission is to express my heart while bypassing my mind. My process is an exploration of my personal marks through layering, energetic line, organic shapes, and brilliant color.
I refer to my paintings as “an adventure into the present moment.” Each new canvas is a story within its own world. The initial pencil marks are done with a childlike abandonment. Gradually I build layers, to construct a complicated deep surface history that I am continuously altering. By adding and removing marks, textures, and colors, I allow the past to show through and enhance the present. We are the sum of all our experiences, my paintings tell that story every time.
I hope you the viewer will join my process, set thought aside, and be open to allowing your senses to take in and enjoy my work on a purely emotional and visceral level.